The Society for Promotion of Community Standards Inc. (“SPCS”) has been approved bronze level membership status in Transparency International (New Zealand) Inc. (TINZ) – the recognised New Zealand representative of Transparency International, the global civil society organisation against corruption. SPCS was approved “bronze level”, along with other new members (including the Earthquake Commission), at the TINZ Annual General Meeting held at Archives New Zealand on the 19th of November, 2013. A number of SPCS officers were present at the well-attended event which was preceded by a Special General Meeting to ratify updated TINZ Rules and then followed by several speakers. These included former NZ Governor-General Dame Silvia Cartwright, Labour MP Andrew Little and Minister of Justice Hon. Judith Collins.
TINZ is a member of Transparency International, the international organisation leading the movement to eradicate corruption and bribery wherever they occur. SPCS fully supports the activities of TINZ: “Actively promoting the highest levels of transparency, accountability, integrity and public participation in government and civil society in NZ, the Pacific Islands and the world”. See:
TINZ like SPCS is a not-for-profit incorporated society with charity status and is both non-political and non-partisan.
TINZ was incorporated on 4 April 2001 (Soc. No. 1132910) and was registered as a charity on 30 June 2008 (Charity No. CC322305). SPCS was incorporated 0n 25 September 1975 (Soc. No. 217833) and was registered as a charity on 17 December 2007 (Charity No. CC20268).
TINZ has as its VISION: “A world in which the institutions of government, politics, business and civil society are built on strong integrity systems and the daily lives of people are free from corruption.”
This is a vision shared by SPCS.
TINZ has as one of its objectives “To raise public awareness and advance the general education of the public in matters relating to the nature and consequences of corruption …” (see Rules
SPCS supports ALL the objects of TINZ.
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