Family Life International NZ, a registered charity that is pro-life, has organised and sponsored a Public Talk on 11th and 14th April entitled “Same Sex ‘Marriage’ and the Threat to Religious Freedom – the Canadian Experience“
Thursday 11th April 2013
St Anne’s Parish Hall • Emmett Street • Newtown • Wellington
Easy access and plenty of car parks. A collection will be taken to defray expenses.
For more information please contact Clare 04 237 8343 or
or download flyer (available for distribution):
John-Henry Westen Public Talk in Wellington Flyer (504 KB)
John Henry Westen has written in a recent article entitled:
Do we love those inclined to homosexuality enough to stop same-sex ‘marriage’?
In this battle over same-sex ‘marriage’ it often sounds like those pushing the dismantling of traditional marriage have the upper hand in terms of love. ‘You are opposed to love!’; ‘How does the love between me and my partner affect you in your marriage?’; ‘Why can’t I be allowed to love whomever I choose?’
These are the tough arguments from ‘love’ facing those who are fighting to protect marriage from radical redefinition.
In truth, however, love is the principle reason to fight same-sex ‘marriage.’
You see, law is a teacher and enshrining same-sex ‘marriage’ in law would lead many people to believe that homosexual sexual relations are equal to those of heterosexual married couples. The difficulty, of course, is that while sexual acts between heterosexual married couples can be totally healthy and positive, the same can never be said of sexual acts between persons of the same sex, whether they happen within a relationship given the name “marriage” or not.
For full article go to:
Family Life International NZ, a registered charity, has organised and sponsored a Public Talk entitled “Same Sex ‘Marriage’ and the Threat to Religious Freedom – the Canadian Experience”
Sunday 14th April 2013
Liston Hall • 30-32 Hobson Street • Auckland City
Access is also available via St Patrick’s Square, Wyndham Street
Parking available at the Farmers Carpark for $2.00 (with validation)
As same-sex “marriage” legislation is before our Parliament, with a very real prospect that it will become law in the next few weeks, you are invited to attend this insightful public meeting on the impact same-sex “marriage” has on religious freedom. A Prayer Vigil culminating in a Prayer Procession to St Patrick’s Cathedral for Holy Mass will also take place after John-Henry’s address.
For more information please contact Brendan or 09 629 4361